A studio comprising a team of skilled individuals dedicated to crafting exceptional products and services.
TL;DR Some humans creating products with fine attention to detail.
Efforts are focused on producing a crossing point of “fun-ctional” products and interoperable services. Exploring principles within architecture, industrial design, and visual art(s) complemented by gamified experiences. Providing bespoke products that invoke a sense of total delight from qualities that make our favorite products, timeless. The studio will also focus on providing reliable, high-quality research and design services to communities needing invaluable solutions in a rapidly evolving consumer market.
TL;DR An atelier providing clever solutions for everyone to enjoy.
“Atelier” - a workshop or studio, especially one used by an artist or designer.
Right now. Explore the website, it is curated in a manner that is simple and effective. However, there will be rabbit holes hidden throughout.
Smuv Studios draws inspiration from the past, while carefully observing the present, to effectively create the future.
TL;DR Now.
The Smuv Studio(s) will operate between our existing reality and virtual reality.
TL;DR IRL + Metaverse
Smuv Studios is the anti to contemporary convenience. We believe that well-made products are in service to the consumer for a lifetime, and in return inspire a sense of further appreciation for craft over convenience. As the studio advances, experiences will be curated around the globe that utilize blockchain technology to promote a transparent business model that provides a healthy & sustainable producer/consumer relationship whilst organically building a decentralized ecosystem for everyone to thrive.
Every product that is designed well, envelopes an experience that inspires further optimism.
Launching Soon.
TL;DR Patience.